
The Signs Your Diet Plan Is Unhealthy

While you’re eating a healthy diet this year, be sure you’re aware of some possible signs your diet is unhealthy, no matter how great it might seem. I know when you’re losing weight, you really don’t care how it comes off, but you should. Certain routes to losing weight can cause a lot of health problems that end up hurting you later. Let go of the skinny jeans obsession and learn to embrace healthy over skinny. These signs your diet is unhealthy are easy to spot, but you do have to be honest with yourself to make the right changes.
1. Your Menstrual Cycle Stopped

If your menstrual stopped, this is one of the worst signs your diet is unhealthy. If your weight loss has dropped so low that your period stops, you need to make changes ASAP! You could hurt your reproductive health, suffer terrible hormone issues, and cause a host of other problems for years to come. Most likely, you’re just under eating, which can easily be fixed by adding in more, healthy calories. You should see a doctor as soon as possible to rule out any health issues.

2. You Fear Fat

If you fear fat in your foods and religiously count and measure calories, you might be hurting yourself. Your body needs healthy fats to function. Your digestive system, hormones, metabolism, brain health, and your reproductive health all depend on fats to function. Choose the right ones, but please don’t fear them!

3. It’s Highly Processed

Diet bars, shakes, and processed foods just aren’t healthy for you and are most likely hindering your health and weight loss too. No matter what that product says, whole foods are always better for you and your weight.

4. You Mirror Inspect

If you are constantly inspecting yourself in the mirror, fearing a little bulge or bloat, your diet might be taking you to unhealthy levels. Allow your weight to do its thing the natural way, and just eat healthy. There’s no reason to worry about a little bulge and bloat here and there. Plus, your body is so much more than a mirror image. It’s made to take care of you, nourish you, and help you live a healthy life. Let it do that and quit inspecting it so much in the mirror!

5. Your Hair Is Thinning Or Falling Out

If your hair is thinning or falling out, your diet might be to blame. Your hair is one of the best signs of how healthy your diet is. Be sure to consume enough protein, and eat thyroid boosting foods, which help your hair thrive. These are any food rich in B vitamins like oats, bananas, avocados, fish, chia seeds, hemp seeds, spirulina, and also foods high in healthy fats like coconut oil, hemp, flax, nuts, and all other seeds.

Do you want to get more tips to lose weight?Why not check here ?

12:02 Publié dans health | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)


Why do French Women Do Not Get Body fat ?

While French women absolutely can get fat, those that don’t, while eating cheese, wine and butter, follow and live by these 11 reasons French women don’t get fat. In fact, anywhere in the world, if we were to follow these French eating principles, we wouldn’t get fat either. The notion that French women don’t get fat was introduced to us in the US by Frenchwomen Mireille Guiliano in her book “French Women Don’t Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure,” after a move to the US left her 20 pounds heavier than when she had arrived. According to the book, here are 7 reasons French women don’t get fat.
1. High Quality Foods

One of the first reasons French women don’t get fat is because they select high quality foods . Yes, they might be eating cheese and bread frequently, the ingredients used and consumed in these products are fresh, local and in season. They are able to eat less while enjoying more because their bodies are satisfied through real, wholesome foods.

2. Limit Sweets

French women understand balance. They know that sweets should be saved for a treat but that a treat should always included! Whenever a craving strikes, instead of having an entire piece of cake, they enjoy an bite or two and are completely satisfied. The same goes for wine - they enjoy one glass, rather than an entire bottle and are content and not drunk!

3. Savor Each Bite

In France, meals are savored and enjoyed very slowly, often taking up the entire afternoon for the lunchtime meal. While eating, every sense is engaged allowing you to fully enjoy each bite. A meal is never eaten in the car, on the go or in a rushed environment. Instead, each meal is enjoyed in the accompaniment of others sharing conversation, laughter and delicious food! Distractions, such as the TV, computer or paperwork, are set aside during meal times.

4. Reduce Portion Sizes

Because each bite is savored and high quality food is consumed, smaller portions are satisfying and enjoyed. Large portions are not only avoided but they are not necessary either. Traditional French women enjoy the foods that they want, just in much smaller amounts. They don’t count calories or journal every bite that they eat; they simply enjoy less of more decadent foods.

5. Daily Physical Activity And Walking

While you will likely not find many traditional French women in the gym, you won’t find them lounging around all day either. Instead of one hour devoted to daily exercise, the French women devote all day to physical activity. They walk as often as they can, take the stairs instead of the elevator and they are not afraid to lift and tote heavy items. French women are simply more active on a regular basis.

6. Variety

Traditional French women enjoy all kinds of foods, never limiting what they can or cannot eat. They eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, while also enjoying baguettes and chocolate. They enjoy their wine and champagne but they also drink plenty of water throughout the day too. They have lots of variety in their diet causing them to never get bored with the same foods.

You  can get more lose weight tips on our home page .


How to Lose Weight When Your Can Workout

The biggest contributor to losing weight and keeping it off is if you are loving your workout. If you love your workouts you will find yourself craving exercise, and it will become a lifestyle rather than just a stage in your life. So how do you lose weight and love your workout? I have simple fitness tips to help you to do so. These tips will help you to transform your life and find yourself loving your workout, so here goes:
1. Add More Movement

By simply changing the way you view activity you can lose weight and work harder.For example, when you walk up the stairs in your home, try running up the stairs instead, and burn more calories. When you leave the mall or grocery store, speed walk or run to your car to burn some extra calories. Adding more movement will help you in loving your workout and feeling great!

2. Do Something You Enjoy

If you find a workout you enjoy you will find yourself loving your workout and counting down the days until your next workout. Check out the nearest basketball league or whatever other sport you enjoy and sign up for some fitness fun.

3. Try Something New

Are you reading every month in the local paper about a Bootcamp in your town? If you are up for a new challenge and ready to expedite your weight loss goals, just do it! Do not be intimidated by embarking on this challenge because you will meet other people with similar fitness and weight loss goals. As a trainer for over a decade and as a Bootcamp instructor, I have even seen my body transform as a result of these fun and exciting workouts!

4. Sign up for An Obstacle Race

Thinking of running a mud run but on the fence in deciding to register? Recruit a group of your friends so that you can all tackle obstacles together and work as a team. You can train for 12 weeks and shed some weight in the process. And you will get a great resistance and cardio workout and have a lot of fun.

5. Coffee Run, Anyone?

How great would it be to chat away, catch up and get a great workout? If you go for a coffee run, that is just what you can do. Forget meeting for a morning coffee, meet for a morning run. You and your friend will get in better shape together, push one another and have loads of fun!

6. Try a New Exercise Class

Have you been thinking about signing up for a local exercise class but not had enough gumption? Stop dragging your feet and put your body in motion by getting into this class. If you try this class you may find yourself working different muscle groups and meeting new friends in the class as well. Now that sounds like fun, right?

7. Think outside The Box

For your weekend warrior workouts, stop listing all the traditional workouts you have to do and making it feel like a chore. Head to your local reservoir for a hike, go for a bike ride, go to the indoor rock climbing gym or whatever else you would like to try. You will get a great workout, have fun and enjoy thinking outside the box.

I hope you like my fun workout tips and they help you to lose weight and have fun in the process. So tell me, what is your favorite fun workout on my home page ?

11:35 Publié dans health | Tags : workout, lose weight, box, race | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)